Saturday, December 18, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas!

We are "almost" ready for Santa to come!!!! Ashley has been busy with Charleston making fun stuff to decorate the house with.

They got a Christmas tree, but more importantly, they got Charleston his own tree. When my kids were growing up, they got to pick out a little tree for their rooms and decorate it however they wanted. So Ashley started that tradition with Charleston this year! And guess what kinds of ornaments it's decorated with!!!! Yep.....Mickey Mouse!!!! He loves it.

This Monday, Charleston and I are going to make chocolate truffles and sugar cookies. I can't wait!!!!

We'll have a quiet Christmas this year. BJ will be here (yay!), and Grandpa Goeppert. And best of all, Charleston will be here. That's all I want for Christmas.

Be grateful. I am.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Birthday Boy

Today has been a HUGE, GIANT, WONDERFUL, AMAZING, THRILLING, MIRACULOUS day. My Charleston turned one!!!! 8 months ago when we received the diagnosis of SMA Type 1, we were told to take this beautiful baby home and that there was nothing that could be done.

Leave it to my brilliant, brave daughter to discover that there is ALOT that can be done. And she has done it. Each and every thing. Without complaining. EVER.

So, while this is a thrilling day for us to celebrate Charleston's birthday, I want to take time out to talk to my daughter.

Ashley, you are amazing. Even though you can be kinda dingy at times........and of course, you don't get that from me :}}} ...... you have saved this baby's life. Your dream of being a mommy came true when Charleston was born. I'll never forget the day I got to finally meet him in person. It was almost as good as when I got to meet you and your brother for the first time!!!!! I fell in love last December 1st with a beautiful, perfect, little boy.

When doctors started to tell us that something was wrong with him, I remember talking with you about how could that be? He was perfect!!!!! And you know what, Ash? HE IS PERFECT. Charleston is the most beautiful, perfect little boy in the world. And I don't think there is anything wrong with him. He has blue eyes. He has a great smile. He has blondish hair. He has a nose. He just got something extra....and that  is SMA. That is just him, and he wouldn't be him without all of those things combined. He's teaching us, along with the rest of the world, about unconditional love.

I have watched your devotion to Charleston. Sometimes I feel like you've given up your life for him, but really........your life began the day God gave him to you. That's what being a good mama is. And that is what you are. You live and breathe for this baby, and I am so proud of you I could pop. You are amazing, brave and determined; and because of that, we got to celebrate his 1st birthday today.

So Ashley........I love you just like you love Charleston, and don't ever forget it. I am proud of the mother that you are. You have given me such a gift, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you, tweetie.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our 1st Thanksgiving

Today is going to be amazing. It is our first Thanksgiving with our little boy. It will only be three of us today.....Ashley, Charleston, and I. Saturday we will have a celebration that will include Cameron, BJ and Catie. So before I begin my day, this is what I am thankful for:

+   A mom that has taught me unconditional love from the day I was born.

+   A son that is honest, hardworking, sweet, kind, loving, and funny as all get-out.

+ A daughter who has followed her dreams, and is handling a "detour" that we never imagined....and is teaching me things I never knew I needed to know.

+  Friends, old and new, that hold me up when I need it.

+ And above all, I am thankful that I'm getting my spirit back. My grandson is unbelievable!!!! He may not be able to physically move, but he is moving mountains. Thank you, God, for giving me this Thanksgiving with him. I love you, Charleston, more than you'll ever know, and I thank God for every single moment I have with you.

Happy Thanksgiving! Be grateful. I am.