All good things are happening!!!! Let me catch you up on my Charleston.
Christmas. Oh my gosh!!!!! It was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. We had a small celebration at home, since it's the middle of "lock down", that included Charleston, Ashley, Cameron, GiGi (Cameron's dad), Blake (Cameron's cousin), and me. Good food, lots of presents for the little man, and the best part ---- HE CALLED ME NANA!!!!! I had only heard it once before, and believe it or not, it was the previous Christmas. He worked so hard to say it this time.....but it came across his sweet little lips and was the best gift EVER. I love this little boy.
Santa Claus made a visit to Charleston's house!!!! SANTA CLAUS!!!!
Check out his eyes looking at Santa! |
Charleston was so excited for Christmas! He knew it was a special day. We told him it was Jesus' birthday, but that he got to have tons of presents.
He always helps me cook. He's the best helper in the world, because he puts the love into everything we make, and he knows that's what's the most important ingredient. We had fun making Christmas dinner together.
He got some lovin' from mama and dada.
Daddy got him a boat to drive at the park!!!!! |
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While we were celebrating in Turlock, Unkie B & Auntie Catie were suffering through Christmas in Cancun!!!!! They had a great week with BJ's future in-laws. |
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Nana got a new bike, and Charleston liked sitting on it! His favorite thing was the he now is the proud owner of a bell on his stroller that announces his arrival everywhere we go! |
Being goofy. |
Since Christmas, we've been trying to get a power chair and a Tobii Eye Gaze System for Charleston. Both were initially denied, but we're not letting that stop us. Amazingly, Ashley found a BRAND NEW power chair on craigslist!!!! We are in the process of having it modified for Charleston, and soon you will get to view a video of our little boy driving!!!!! It's going to open the world up to him so much. It will enable him to have a sense of independence that he hasn't had. We can't wait!!!!
The Tobii Eye Gaze System is incredible. Because Charleston can't verbalize very well, this machine will be his communication with the outside world. It actually reads his eyes - he will focus on the screen, and it will not only speak for him, but will be his gateway to school & the internet once he's older. We've gotten some advice (thank you Clif Black!) on how to go about trying to get it approved, and are working through "the system." It's so frustrating to have to fight so hard for every single thing, but we won't stop until he has it.
We are enjoying living in Turlock, and have a wonderful support team here. It's great to be surrounded by family. The weather is much milder here, so we are able to take him out for walks quite often. Cameron is great about getting them out of the house, even if it's just for a car ride.
I am working on two fundraisers, so details will be coming out soon for those. Without everyone's help, we could never get through this on our own. Thank you so much; Charleston is a happy, thriving two year old, and we never thought we would see that. We are blessed. I'm the luckiest nana on the planet.