When Charleston was first diagnosed, we were given no hope for him. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA. Take him home and love him. No treatment, no cure. Being devastated is not near the description of what we all felt. Helpless, hopeless. I hate to look back on that time and remember, it knots my stomach up right now just thinking about it.
My friend, Elisa, talked me into going on a girls' trip to Las Vegas, thinking how good it would be for me. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to leave Charleston. But I went. Somehow I got on that plane and left.
There is a huge SMA community on Facebook. That is how we all meet & support each other, because in reality, it is next to impossible to travel with an SMA kid. I had met Sandy Gardner through Facebook, and was amazed with her because she had TWO TEENAGERS with SMA. How was that even possible? And she lived in Las Vegas. Long story short, I went to visit them.
I was scared to go there. I wasn't sure what I would see, or if I would be even able to handle it. At the time, I was fighting an internal battle of what quality of life would my Charleston have????
My first introduction to their family was Matt Barber. He is Sandy's husband, and the kids' stepdad. But he is so much more than that. He is a man that accepts and loves Sandy and her kids, Cashel and Allie. He is amazing and wonderful. He and Sandy met at a very low time in her life.....in my book, he is her Knight in Shining Armor. Every woman should be so blessed to have a "Matt" in her life.
I was able to spend time with Sandy, Cashel and Allie. I learned so much from them that trip.......but above all things, I left with HOPE. Because while I was there, I got to talk to Cashel and realize that he is a happy, smart, funny boy that loves his life. And I got to see what a sweet spirit Allie is. And I got to meet another amazing and strong woman........their mom, Sandy.
Last week, I got to visit them again!!!! I went to help with a fundraiser for their family to get a van. They need a specialized van that will transport both of their SMA kids at the same time, and it's going to cost about $80,000. The current van they have has pretty much died........and their family has not been out of their house together in 5 years. The fundraiser was successful, but they are still not even halfway to their goal. But the week was AWESOME!!!! Let me introduce these wonderful people to you.
I hated to leave. I cried when I had to say goodbye. This family filled my heart once again with hope. And that question of "quality of life"? It was answered once again, looking into the eyes of these precious kids. I know that my Charleston will grow up to be just as amazing as they are.
I'm the luckiest nana on the planet.
P.S. If you have the desire to meet Cashel on-line, "friend" him on Facebook at
AND if you are interested in helping them achieve their goal of purchasing their van, you can go to the following site to donate:
This is Cashel and I. He is 16 years old!!!! He is a junior in high school and kicked my butt at Hangman! |
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Matt is the one in the red shirt. This was at the fundraiser. |
This is Sandy and I at the fundraiser. LOVE her spirit! |
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This is sweet, precious Allie. She has a sweet soul. |
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Emily, their younger sister. This is one of the rare moments that she was quiet!!!! She's my new best friend. |
This is Cashel kicking my butt at Hangman. |
I'm the luckiest nana on the planet.
P.S. If you have the desire to meet Cashel on-line, "friend" him on Facebook at
AND if you are interested in helping them achieve their goal of purchasing their van, you can go to the following site to donate: